Thursday, 27 January 2011

Peru - Cusco to Puno

Apologies for the length of the last 2 blogs; we're trying to catch up by using the good internet connections in La Paz ( more about this later).

Well the transition form Manu back to Cusco was abrupt, steamy hot jungle to cold dry high Andean air.

But next we were heading even higher into the Andes, we were off to Puno on the Altiplano of the Andes, and Lake Titicaca, the highest freshwater lake in the world.

The bus journey is on a road that follows the train line we took 9 years ago, and again provides the casual observer with a blinding display of natural beauty.

The Altiplano is a unique place of brilliant blue skies, thunderous cloud, rolling hills and grassland and crystal bright sunshine....
OK so we have the thunderous cloud, and rolling hills bit...
..heres a little of that crystal bright sunshine...
 and this part of or jorney eventually ends in...
Besides Inca ruins, Lake Titicaca, old steam boats (Yavari story ) and pre inca burial sites (Sillustani), Puno can offer...

...tasteful pedallo rides on a pea green lagoon....
The day after we arrived the whole town was in celebration for the FIesta de Candelaria, which involved some drinking followed by wild dancing, fire works and more drirnking, dancing, fireworks, followed by more...well you get the picture, everyone had a good time... all day and night.
celebrations Puno styleeeeee....
They really do know how to celebrate....

Next stop is Copacabana, Bolivia, not the more famous Copacabana, Brazil; although the latter is named after the former....

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