You've seen the adults and the babies so here are the missing Juvvies...
Sidney working up to wrapping his towel on his head |
David, on his shelf... |
Vinnie who only goes on his shelf for one reason... food |
Lilo, doesn't like big meals |
Benji, likes to savour his meals in his own time |
Fozzy (lighter) and Rajah (darker) share a enclosure but not their food |
Doogie Too where are you... under the towel usuually, but not in this shot |
Sophia (lighter) and BamBam (darker), quiet as mice |
Lionel and Scooter, the comedy duo take it in turns to come to te front of the enclosure |
Lily, she's a faster mover than you think |
Casper and Camilla, love their beans not so keen on berros |
Tori,Santie,Sheela,and Pandora, the girls on the block.. |
Luna, who loves her beans and can't wait at feed time |
Mocha and Hershey, they are just lovely.... |
Spencer (darker) and Miss Vicky (the Blond) like everything |
Priscilla and Savanna, never complain |
Mani, Almendra ( with the dark nose) and Primo, who is under both, really don't like carrots) |
Malaza, who likes all food to be hand fed to her |
Spiderman Einstein, he's tough so don't let his finger sucking fool you... |
Skye, (Janelles favourite) and a real cutie |
And of course not forgetting the "wildies", due to be are only fed Almond leaves.
The Perezosa with no name, better known as "Mommie" |
...and Lydia who loves Malaza, cos her plate is always full and in Lydias reach |
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