Saturday, 13 November 2010

Costa Rica - Puerto Viejo - Sloth Sanctuary - The Juveniles

You've seen the adults and the babies so here are the missing Juvvies...

Sidney working up to wrapping his towel on his head
David, on his shelf...

Vinnie who only goes on his shelf for one reason... food

Lilo, doesn't like big meals

Benji, likes to savour his meals in his own time

Fozzy (lighter) and Rajah (darker) share a enclosure but not their food

Doogie Too where are you... under the towel usuually, but not in this shot

Sophia (lighter) and BamBam (darker), quiet as mice

Lionel and Scooter, the comedy duo take it in turns to come to te front of the enclosure

Lily, she's a faster mover than you think

Casper and Camilla, love their beans not so keen on berros

Tori,Santie,Sheela,and Pandora, the girls on the block..

Luna, who loves her beans and can't wait at feed time

Mocha and Hershey, they are just lovely....

Spencer (darker) and Miss Vicky (the Blond) like everything

Priscilla and Savanna, never complain

Mani, Almendra ( with the dark nose) and Primo, who is under both, really don't like carrots)

Malaza, who likes all food to be hand fed to her

Spiderman Einstein, he's tough so don't let his finger sucking fool you...

Skye, (Janelles favourite) and a real cutie
And of course not forgetting the "wildies", due to be are only fed Almond leaves.
The Perezosa with no name, better known as "Mommie"

...and Lydia who loves Malaza, cos her plate is always full and in Lydias reach

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