Sunday, 10 October 2010

Costa Rica - Puerto Viejo - 10th October 2010

OK here we are blogging from the Aviarios Del Caribe Sloth Sanctuary, and we are resting a lot as you might imagine.
But it's not all play and no work you know. We have to be up by 0600 to start the cleaning and room service duties that these injured and orphaned perezosos have grown accustomed to and need after the drama in their lives.

There are nearly 100 sloths that reside here at Aviarios and they all need feeding, twice a day.

...Do I have to get up now?...(Moweli having well earned rest post sloth feeding)
 ...Do I have to get up now... ( Paula having a well earned rest post sloth feeding)
 Laylo on the poo stick...
 ...Can some one stop this crazy scales for me please, I want to get off... (Cosmo we think)
And the winner for best sloth in the Bradypus category is........(Sunshine and Sammy with Janelle and Eva)
 ...Sloth wrangling, let go of me straps....  (Madison tighten her grip on Siobhan)
 Oi cheeky, does my bum look big on this?...
 ...the view from the 'dock' at Aviarios....
 This is 'Millie' and this is her chair..which she loves as much as between mealtimes...
 ...Feeding time...beanitos y berros...
 ...who put that stick there....  (spiderman einstein checking out the new environments)
 Humans do  sword swallowing, sloths do bean swallowing... (pip just doing her sloth thing)

Keep watching if you want to see more sloth antics ;0)))))


  1. Hi Paul & Siobhan
    Just been catching up on your blog....your travels so far look great and your new found friends at the sanctuary look so cute
    Keep on blogging it is so good to see all the sites
    Steve & Patsy

  2. Hi Steve and Patsy,

    Glad you're enjoying it. Is all go here conservation work keeping journals, updating blogs, archiving photos, filing emails, skyping rellies. We need to get back to work its much easier.

    Great to hear from you both. We'll try to keep the blog interesting.


    S y P x

  3. It looks like a lot of fun apart from the early starts. Hope you haven't seen too many spiders.
    Love Bernie and Steve

  4. Hi there,

    Those sloths are pretty darn cute! I hope your travels have been great.

    Anna (the bike tourer from the hostel in Campeche)

  5. Hi Anna,

    The Sloths are cute especially the babies.

    How was your trip to London?

    Been looking at your blog periodically too, like shots of the hostel parroquia; and hope the bike is standing upto the trials you put it through.

    Hope you also recovered from drinking the tap water in Cuba.

    Good luck with your travels and keep in touch as and when.

    Buen suerte,

    Paul and Siobhan
    Paul and Siobhan
